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Below you can scroll through word documents of the 4-day "Sustainable World Unit" Lesson Plan that I developed.


The Lessons are divided into four topics:

1) Sustainable Development

2) Reduce, reuse, recycle

3) Renewable energy

4) â€‹The Natural Environment. 


Of note, some of them have been adapted from free online resources and cited appropriately.

Topic 1: Sustainable Development


1) ) Sustainable Development Goals from United Nations:


Click Here to download the Sustainable Development Goals Powerpoint below. 









Topic 2: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

"How Long Does Trash Last" Lesson Plan adapted from Education World:


Topic 3: Renewable Energy


1) "Renewable or Non-renewable?" Lesson Plan adapted from Renewable Energy Activities - Choices for Tomorrow - NREL and THE NEED Project. Non-renewable handout can be downloaded here. 




2) Energy Origami Chatterbox activity adapted from Origin Energy:


3) Sustainable Development Goals from United Nations: 






       Spain Renewable Energy Handout                            Energy Origami Game                              Renewable or Non-renewable Handout


Topic 4: The Natural Environment

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